
Catastrophe Committee

No one can doubt the experience and specific expertise of loss adjusting experts in the handling of catastrophic losses worldwide. FUEDI, the European Association of Loss Adjusting Experts has harnessed these skills in providing a central resource to adjust major catastrophic losses in any European location.

A catastrophic loss may involve hundreds of policyholders who expect and deserve an immediate response from the insurance industry or governmental organisations.

FUEDI is developing:

  • Centralized action centres in each National Member Association. These centres providing the insurance community and/or governmental bodies with:
    • Total handling of the damage
    • Updated information on adjusting or registration
    • Updated estimates of costs
    • Simplified standard reports
    • Subsequent confirmation of satisfaction of all claims
  • Human resources provided by adjusters and administrative staff, facilitated by all FUEDI member associations.
  • Centralised resources for cleaning, restoration, de-humidifying, etc.

Some European countries have developed special legislations regarding catastrophic losses:

  • In The Netherlands the FUEDI member, NIVRE, conducts catastrophe claims registration on behalf of governmental bodies, catastrophe funds and insurers. Catastrophes, such as earthquakes, the Amsterdam air crash, flooding of rivers, flooding of agricultural land, foot and mouth disease, aviara influenza (affecting chickens) and the collapse of a dyke.
  • In France natural catastrophes have been covered since 1982 and industrial catastrophes since 2003 by law.

FUEDI is committed to completing these programmes as soon as possible and has set up a specific committee for this purpose. We need a world we can believe in.

For further information please contact: Tel +31 10 453 55 35


The following presentation was granted to CNPR, during a Disaster Conference in Portugal in 2013, with the attendance of Mr. Pablo López from Consorcio (Consorcio de Compensation de Seguros). Consorcio is based in Madrid and has special procedures to approach a catastrophe situation after a disaster occurrence.

View Presentation (Powerpoint File)