

The objectives of the Federation are:

  • The exchange amongst member associations of experience, information and advice on all questions of a professional nature.
  • To promote the study of the profession of Loss Adjusting Expert by encouraging the maintenance of libraries, the publication of material, the provision of tuition to member associations and to their affiliates and the provision of grants and award.
  • The professional training of member associations with a view to ensuring high standards of education throughout the profession.
  • To ensure unification of standards of expertise throughout the countries represented by the member associations.
  • To ensure that member associations adhere to strict rules of professional conduct including maintaining qualities of integrity and impartiality.

The Federation aims to promote the independent / impartial profession of loss adjusting for the insurance industry and other areas of commerce.

The maintenance of high standards of professional conduct and competence are of primary importance.

Co-operation amongst professional associations in member countries will ensure unification of standards of expertise throughout Europe.

Members of the Federation and their affiliates aim to ensure that instructing principals receive the very best professional advice on the adjustment of loss.

The Federation represents the main Loss Adjusting Experts organisations in the member countries and continues to develop contacts to represent the adjusting profession as a whole.