

4th ELD Stakeholder Conference – 24th May, 2016

Dear ELD Stakeholders,

We would like to inform you that the adoption of the Commission report under Article 18(2) of the Environmental Liability Directive and the underlying REFIT evaluation is expected for early April.

We will then immediately send you the link to the new documents and to some more updated information on our environmental liability website.

Following the adoption of the ELD Report and REFIT Evaluation, the 4th ELD Stakeholder Conference will take place on 24th of May in Brussels. The Conference is to precede the 16th ELD Government Experts’ Meeting on the 25th of May 2016 and will prepare the ground for it.

The ELD Report & REFIT Evaluation as well as the draft Action Plan, in view of a multi-annual rolling plan on ELD implementation, will be presented and discussed at the conference. The three subjects for the afternoon breakout groups will be: implementation tools – evidence base – financial security.

The invitation, plus programme for the Conference, will be sent out in the course of April. You may forward this message to other relevant and interested persons you know. Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions.

Kind regards,
Hans Lopatta
Policy Officer: Legal Issues

European Commission - Directorate General for Environment
Unit D.4 (Governance, Information & Reporting)
B-1160 Brussels
Avenue de Beaulieu 9, 00-24
Telephone: +322/2953571

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