

In 1968 M.Mommaels (the President of the Belgium loss adjusting association) visited Italy and met with M. Deganello and M. Scotti at Milan Linate Airport. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the creation of an Italian association and also to explore the possibility of a European Federation.

Later that year M. Mommaels, Deganello and Scotti travelled to Brussels to meet with M. Stoltz (Germany) and M. Petit (France) and the first meeting of what would become FUEDI was held.

Further meetings were held in Paris (1969), Milan (1970) and Baden Baden (1971). By this time M. Fusi had joined as a representative for Italy.

On 13th May 1972 the representatives above were joined by Mr Polak Schoute (the Netherlands) and the FUEDI Articles of Association were approved.

The Internal Rules were approved in Milan on 19 October 1974.

On 7 June 1975 the FUEDI General Assembly was held at the Flora Hotel in Rome with delegates from BTE, GEBCAI, CILA, NEVOST and AIPAI. At that time the role of president was held by the host country of the General Assembly. The President for 1975/76 was Mr Deganello (Italy). At this meeting in Rome the UK joined. Because there were two loss associations in the UK at that time a separate body “Union of United Kingdom Loss Adjusters (UUKLA)” was formed to comply with FUEDI’s rule of only one association from each country.

Greater European co-operation and the gradual removal of border restrictions encouraged an increase in the membership of FUEDI. With the expansion of the European Union the membership of FUEDI will continue to increase in the future.

Annual Meetings FUEDI since 1985

Date Location President
22nd March 1985 Siena/Italy Deganello
11th April 1986 Rome/Italy Deganello
6th November 1986 Schiphol-Amsterdam/Netherlands Evers
8th May 1987 Amsterdam/Netherlands Evers
13th November 1987 Schiphol-Amsterdam/Netherlands Evers
6th May 1988 Leuvenum/Belgium Evers
21st October 1988 Stuttgart/Germany Hohnholz
25th/26th May 1989 Cologne/Germany Hohnholz
28th/29th September 1989 Hamburg/Germany Hohnholz
10th/11th May 1990 Berlin/Germany Hohnholz
18th/19th October 1990 London/UK Simmonds
16th/17th May 1991 Bath/UK Simmonds
17th/18th October 1991 London/UK Simmonds
8th/9th May 1992 Madrid/Spain** Simmonds
29th/30th October 1992 Brussels/Belgium Vervelghe
6th/7th May 1993 Antwerp/Belgium Vervelghe
29th/30th October 1993 Zaventem-Brussels/Belgium Vervelghe
26th/27th May 1994* Brugge/Belgium Vervelghe
28th October 1994 Paris/France Legoux
11th/12th May 1995 Paris/France Legoux
13th October 1995 Milano/Italy Cincotti
9th/10th May 1996 Venice/Italy Cincotti
31st October/1st November 1996 Schiphol-Amsterdam/Netherlands PolakSchoute
29th/30th May 1997 Amsterdam/Netherlands PolakSchoute
30th/31st October 1997 Cologne/Germany Biesenbach
14th/15th May 1998**** Munich/Germany Biesenbach
2nd October 1998 Brussels/Belgium Vervelghe
5th February 1999*** Brussels/Belgium Vervelghe
27th/28th May 1999 Brussels/Belgium Vervelghe
14th/15th October 1999 London/UK May
25th/26th May 2000 London/UK May
1st/2nd October 2000 Copenhagen/Denmark Leif Hansen Sr.
26th/27th April 2001 Copenhagen/Denmark Leif Hansen Sr.
18th/19th October 2001 Paris/France Legoux
18th/19th April 2002 Paris/France Legoux
10th/11th October 2002 Lisbon/Portugal de Almeida
8th/9th May 2003 Porto/Portugal de Almeida
6th/7th November 2003 Milano/Italy Cincotti
13th/14th May 2004 Rome/Italy Cincotti
4th/5th November 2004 Brussels/Belgium Vos
26th/27th May 2005 The Hague/Netherlands Vos
17th/18th November 2005 Brussels/Belgium Schneider
18th/19th May 2006 Berlin/Germany Schneider
16th/17th November 2006 Brussels/Belgium Cannaerts
24th/25th May 2007 Gent(Gand)/Belgium Cannaerts
15th/16th November 2007 Brussels/Belgium Kabler
15th/16th May 2008 Vienna/Austria Kabler
6th/7th November 2008 Zaventem-Brussels/Belgium Rigby
23rd/24th April 2009 East Sussex National/England Rigby
19th/20th November 2009 Zaventem-Brussels/Belgium Christian Leif Hansen
6th/7th May 2010 Copenhagen/Denmark Christian Leif Hansen
25th/26th November 2010 Paris/France Yves Legoux
5th/6th May 2011 Versailles/France Yves Legoux
17th/18th November 2011 Brussels/Belgium Rui de Almeida
10th/11th May 2012 Oporto/Portugal Rui de Almeida
15th/16th November 2012 Brussels/Belgium Mauro Tamagnone
23rd/24th May 2013 Naples/Italy Mauro Tamagnone
20th/21st November 2013 Brussels/Belgium Vos
22nd/23rd May 2014 Rotterdam/The Netherlands Vos
22nd/23rd November 2014 Brussels/Belgium Otto
28th/29th May 2015 Munich/Germany Otto
19th/20th November 2015 Brussels/Belgium Calzado

* Peter Hamerslag did not attend.

** Should have been in UK, however on special request of APCAS in Madrid

*** Was an extra Plenary Meeting in Brussels

**** The FUEDI Secretary is now called the FUEDI Executive Director