Member Associations / Portugal

CNPR - Câmara Nacional de Peritos Reguladores


Main aims:

  • Representation of members
  • To enhance the standards of the Loss Adjusting Experts
  • To establish high standards of training and education
  • To encore observance of strict professional conduct

Details of Publications

  • Europeritos (once a year)
  • Boletim Informativo (Monthly)

Education and Training

Annual training plan (Workshops and Seminars conjointly with several institutions as Universities and other main bodies).

Previous CNPR Events

11th May 2013

CNPR General Assembly 2013

The CNPR General Assembly was held last May 11th 2013 in Lisbon with speaker Mark Vos, 1st Vice President of FUEDI and Mr. Cédric Azorky, FIEA Director

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26 October 2012

CNPR: NAT- CAT Conference

Lisbon, Portugal

April 2012

ELD Conference held at Porto University

14th October 2011

CILA’s Annual Lunch, London

June 17th 2011

Home Multirisks Seminar, Faro

May 28th 2011

General Assembly, Lisbon

May 2011

FUEDÍ General Assembly, Versailles, France

15th April 2011

CNPR Seminar “Multirisk Policies / Commercial and Industrial Claims”

29th May 2010

CNPR Annual General Assembly


Executive Director: Manuel Ramalho

Edifício Catarina
Rua de Stª Catarina, 375 – 3º SL 32
4000-451 Porto

Telephone +351 226 067 822

Fax +351 22 60 67 822



CNPR FUEDI Delegate Rui De Almeida
Tel +351 910 310 297