Member Associations / Russia

National Association of Insurance Adjusters (NAIA)


NAIA Members are legal entities providing independent claims management and loss adjustment services. Association coordinates the activities of its members, represents and promotes common interests in the relations with clients, Russian and international insurance bodies and government.

The Association’s mission is the formation and development of a civilized market of independent insurance experts in Russia, i.e.

  • Grant the legal status to the loss adjuster profession;
  • Ensure the recognition of the legal status of the investigation report issued by the independent insurance adjuster;
  • Develop and roll out uniform rules and professional standards, a code of ethics for adjusters, and a compliance monitoring system;
  • Create a professional training and certification system;
  • Establish partnership relations with international associations of adjusters.

Details of Publications

Newsletters are regularly distributed via e-mail or website. General Meetings of NAIA Members are held twice a year.

Education and Training

NAIA organizes the professional meetings, seminars and workshops.


Andrey V. Bogachov
National Association of Insurance Adjusters
Serebryakova str, 14, bdg 15, suite 221
Silver Stone BC
129343 Moscow

Tel: +7 495 760 0632



NAIA FUEDI Delegate: Alex Zubrilin
Tel: +7 495 724 6524