Member Associations / Sweden

Swedish Association of Independent Loss Adjusters (SFOS)


  • to maintain and sustain skilled professionals acting as independent loss adjusters and experts.
  • to ensure that the skills of the members of the association are consistent with good national and international standard in loss adjusting and claims handling.
  • to promote cohesion and understanding between members and to promote the development of professional national and international standards.
  • to protect members' professional interests.

Education and training

A SFOS member has to

  • have minimum 5 years of practice and knowledge of loss adjusting
  • work impartially
  • hold a professional indemnity insurance

The member holds the title SFOS FUEDI-NLAE and can through certification also obtain the title of SFOS FUEDI-ELAE. The certification process is determined by SFOS who recommends FUEDI to grant the title.


See webpage –

SFOS – Swedish Register

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SFOS FUEDI Delegate: Pia Lundberg
Tel: +46 70 66 10 980