

FUEDI – A successful General Assembly Meeting in Rotterdam on 22-23 May 2014

The Federation of European Loss Adjusting Associations (FUEDI - founded in 1972)) held its General Assembly Meeting in Rotterdam, the Netherlands under the successful and resourceful presidency of Mark Vos, representing the Dutch professional body NIVRE of The Netherlands. A productive meeting was concluded, during which the Greek professional adjusting association HALA, despite national financial difficulties, acquired full membership, increasing FUEDI’s total membership to 15 European countries.

Key issues discussed were:

  • that the service market is in the midst of a digital and thus service change, where on one side new service models are developed to meet the composite and small commercial market requirements and on the other to sustain the delivery of high quality and professional services for major and complex losses on a regional and global basis.
  • the need to invest in young insurance professionals by educating and supporting them in their early years.
  • the need to be required to respond to extreme climate surges allowing FUEDI loss adjusting experts to concentrate on integrity of claims service and contract certainty.
  • the recognition of national professional loss adjusting associations as bodies to represent highly trained professionals to provide assistance to the civil defence and national security authorities.
  • for national stakeholders to communicate about the delivery of services based on mutual interests within the scope of continued regulation. It was pointed out that as loss adjusting services had not been included in the new IMD2, outsourcing of critical or operational functions will reportedly fall within the new solvency wording under discussion.
  • FUEDI is a regular visitor to the European Commission and European insurance associations, e.g. FERMA, where it represents loss adjusting services in the entire European insurance market. Its aim is to focus on the recognition of the profession and the freedom of services in the high volume segment, as well as complex and major claims. Both market segments look for professionals educated to deliver competence, integrity and quality.

    Consequently, FUEDI was very pleased that Mrs Julia Graham, President of FERMA (The Federation of European Risk Managers Associations) had accepted an invitation to speak at the General Assembly Meeting. In the presence of international representatives of 15 European countries Mrs Graham raised the important role, and excellent track record, of the loss adjuster in the service delivery process, having provided such services to the FERMA member base, whose interests are often situated beyond EU borders.

    Furthermore, praise was expressed for the incomprehensible volume of crisis and root cause experience handled by the FUEDI community in the wide range of industry sectors. It was therefore questioned whether further open communication or dialogue could be commenced between FUEDI and FERMA, to share ‘lessons learned' in supporting the risk management efforts of FERMA members, where required. FUEDI accepted and welcomed this, as sharing information would encourage better services today and in the future. FUEDI anticipated that working together would bring a benefit to the claims volume, and moreover to the sustainability of the value chain of FERMA members.

    At the end of the meeting the Presidency was handed over to Mr Jens Otto, FUEDI representative for BTE of Germany. He was looking forward to his year of Presidency to contribute time and effort to profile FUEDI, its professional competences and its market contribution in the EU.