
Press Releases

FUEDI welcomes new Scandinavian member

7 May 2010

After a number of years observing the activities of FUEDI in promoting the role of loss adjusters in Europe and the greater acceptance of the FUEDI ELAE qualification, FUEDI-ELAE, the Swedish Association of Independent Loss Adjusters (SFOS) had applied to join FUEDI.

At the FUEDI General Assembly held in Copenhagen last week it was unanimously agreed to accept SFOS’ application to join FUEDI as the fourteenth member.

Pia Lundberg, the SFOS President said “We are very pleased to be member and are looking forward to participating in the work with developing the loss adjuster’s role and market in Europe together with our fellow members in FUEDI."

At the same meeting Christian Leif Hansen, the FUEDI President stood down after a successful year in office. He was succeeded by M. Yves Legoux of the French loss adjusting association CEA, Compagnie des Experts Agréés. This will be his third term of office as President of FUEDI.

At the same meeting Tony Clack, FUEDI’s Education Director, retired after 22 years’ involvement with FUEDI. Martin Schorkhuber of AFILA, the Austrian association, was elected in his place.

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