
Press Releases

AXA Corporate Solutions invited to FUEDI

FUEDI (European Federation of Loss Adjusting Experts) is a major European federation that brings together a large number of independent loss adjustment firms operating in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Invited by FUEDI last November to present its vision of the role of loss adjusting experts in the claims investigation and settlement process, AXA Corporate Solutions—represented for the occasion by Eric Merville, Chief P&C Claims Officer—reminded his audience that services related to claims management form one of the strategic pillars of the company. Commissioned to establish the causes and circumstances of a loss, loss adjustors—whose role and importance are clearly acknowledged within this management process—also define its cost in compliance with the contractual guarantees that only the insurer is in a position to enforce.

AXA Corporate Solutions is very much in favor of this distribution of roles, which differs from the English-speaking markets, where a portion of the investigation of a case is generally delegated to loss adjusters. In particular, they are responsible for assessing the coverage.

One of the ways in which AXA Corporate Solutions is different lies in the fact that it maintains tight control over the management and coordination of its cases, especially when the financial stakes warrant this approach. Such cases are directly managed in-house, in collaboration with the broker and the client.

AXA Corporate Solutions also shared its expectations with members of FUEDI. The latter are regularly formulated to loss adjustors via a framework agreement known as CAPE, which includes the following provisions:

  • Professional and impartial expertise
  • Rapid and irreproachable service quality
  • Excellent knowledge of the organizational structures of the client, its businesses and its markets.

With respect to client support, loss adjustors must be present and active where the loss occurs. The international dimension becomes particularly critical when it comes to insurance programs whose scope is global.

What’s more, loss adjustors are expected to be proactive and come up with ideas for innovative repair solutions. To illustrate this source of added value, AXA Corporate Solutions responded to the invitation extended by FUEDI to present its claims management process called CAPE² : instead of paying money to compensate an identified loss, the company provides the repair directly; the CAPE² claims management process is coordinated by the insurer in project mode, with a tight-knit team around the client, plus explicit deadlines that are respected. The loss adjuster plays a central and critical role in the innovative CAPE² process.

The insurance business and the loss adjustment business are both businesses that are changing constantly. At the center lie technical expertise and customer service, concluded Eric Merville, thanking the people at FUEDI for the invitation.

Contact : Eric Merville, Chief P&C Claims Officer

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