


1.  We will use our best endeavours to safeguard the privacy of our users. Our data processing practices are explained below. The Institute has undertaken a risk based data protection impact assessment. In every instance of our data storage, use and processing is checked to ensure that it is necessary for and proportionate to our purposes. We seek to limit information stored and processed to minimise the likelihood and severity of any risks to individuals’ rights and interests

2.  Personal data held by the Institute regarding any individual is available to that individual, all individuals have the right to request this data, require data to be corrected and other than in circumstances where the Institute has a legitimate interest to keep data any individual may request data is deleted.

Data Protection

3.  We may disclose your information, if required to do so by any legal or regulatory body. We may contact you by mail, telephone, fax or e-mail to let you know about any goods, services or promotions which may be of interest to you. We will never sell your personal data to third parties. You have a right to ask for a copy of your information and to correct any inaccuracies. To make sure we follow your instructions correctly and to improve our service to you through training of our staff, we may monitor or record communications.

4.  The legal basis of processing and maintaining data by the Institute relates to the membership contract with reference to maintaining membership records, legitimate interest with regard to all matters concerned with matters relating to professional and ethical standards of members and legitimate interest with regard to matters concerning qualifications. With regard to non-members’ data the Institute has a legitimate interest in previous members’ data with regard to entitlement to qualifications and possible re-admittance.

5.  The legal basis for processing and maintaining data by the Institute with regard to events and examinations is legitimate interest. For instance, dietary requirements will be passed to event organisers for the sole purpose of that event for health, safety and comfort reasons.

6.  Members’ data will be shared with members’ employers who are making payment on behalf of the member in order that the contract may be fulfilled. Members’ data will also be shared with Examination service providers but this is restricted to the members, name, and date of birth, gender and membership number. This is solely for the purpose of administering the qualifications. This applies to all members irrespective of category of membership.

7.  Members’ and event attendees ‘names are shared with event hosts to fulfil the requirements of event hosting. This includes the publication of seating plans with names to facilitate the event and dietary requirements are shared with the service provider for the health and safety of event attendees.

8.  Members’ name and other reasonable identification such as address and or date of birth will be shared with examinations hosts to fulfil the requirements of examination hosting.

9.  Membership of the Institute is coupled with ethical and professional standards. Members of the public and other Members may seek confirmation of membership of the Institute and the membership class. Each request is dealt with on a manual basis and confirmation of designations only are provided.

10.  The Institute publishes journals, newsletters and other media and will publish names of members and the name of their employer in relation to new qualifications, the authoring of articles and attendance by members, their guests and members of the public at Institute events. Photographs will also be published of Institute events and activities.

11.  Members and other volunteers attend meetings either by remote conferencing or in person. The Institute has a legitimate interest in maintaining records of attendance and minutes of all such meetings.

12.  Members may elect to have their contact details available on the Institute website. These details are only available where the member has specifically requested the details are place on the website. We maintain a record of the request to display this data. Members may request the removal of the displayed data at any time and the Institute will remove the data as soon as is practicable. Further, the Institute will require that members re-state their request to have the data displayed.

13.  The Institute Database maintains a transaction history log required to validate transaction authority and to provide an audit trail.

14.  CCTV is in operation at some of our testing centres for a number of reasons including to monitor examination performance and fulfil our disciplinary and regulatory functions and by attending the examination you are giving your consent to being recorded.

15.  We collect information automatically about your visit to our website. This information is used to help us follow browsing preferences on our site so that we can regularly improve our service.

16.  The main use of cookies is to assist your use of the site, and allow you to access restricted areas of the Website without entering your personal details each time. However in certain areas of the Website we may use cookies to collect and store information about you and how you use the Website. If you do not want cookies to be used in this way, you can set your browser to disable them. For more details on cookies and disabling them you may wish to visit

17.  This policy is reviewed frequently and the next review is scheduled for January 2019.